Celebrating the local orchid and butterfly species of Victoria, this work will connect diverse audiences with the beauty and magic of the region’s natural world. The dainty swallowtail butterfly (Papilio anactus) and the mauve-tuft sun orchid (Thelymitra malvina) will be honoured in this larger than life sculpture.

Standing at over 3 meters tall, this bold artwork will feature bright uplifting colour and mirror stainless steel, creating a dazzling work that can be seen from afar, and will also draw people in for a closer look at the fine details.

Sculpture size

  • Height: 3390mm (+ plinth)
  • Width: 1700 x 1580mm


  • Mild Steel
  • Mirror stainless steel
  • Industrial powder coating in bright colours
  • Stainless steel security bolts

Maintenance plan

The sculpture is designed to withstand abuse, with the steel thicknesses specified to allow a high level of force to be applied in the context of determined vandalism. The industrial powder coating is extremely tough, and can resist vandalism and graffiti removal chemicals, so no maintenance will be required other than a potential clean.

The powder coating colour is warranted for 15 years, and will stay bright for much longer than that. After this point, the work can be refurbished by dismantling the work into its individual colour pieces (via security bolts). Colour refurbishment would be done via sandblasting the coating off the individual coloured components and re-applying the powder coat.